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Performs statistical operations on streaming data.


streamstats <functions-expression> ["," <functions-expression>]
[<by_expression>] [<onchangeExpression>)] [<beforeExpression>] [<afterExpression>] [<windowExpression>]

Required Arguments

At least one function must be used:

  • <functions-expression>

For the description, see the stats command.

Optional Arguments

<by_expression><by_field> ["," <by_field> ...]Field name(s) for grouping values.
<beforeExpression>reset_before=(<eval-expression>)falseAn eval expression returning a boolean. Resets accumulated statistics before calculating for the current event if the expression is true.
<afterExpression>reset_after=(<eval-expression>)falseAn eval expression returning a boolean. Resets accumulated statistics after calculating for the current event if the expression is true.
<onchangeExpression>reset_on_change=(<bool>)falseResets accumulated statistics if the value of at least one by field changes.
<windowExpression>window=(<int>)0 (unlimited)The maximum number of events over which statistics will be calculated.

Query Examples

Example #1
source server_warnings
| streamstats avg(amount) as stream_avg by server_name
| eventstats avg(amount) as event_avg by server_name
Example #2
| makeresults count=10 shownumbers=true
| streamstats sum(number) as summ reset_after = (number==sqrt(9))
Example #3
source server_warnings
| streamstats avg(amount) as stream_avg, count reset_before = (amount==abs(-16))
Example #4
source server_warnings
| streamstats avg(amount) as stream_avg, count window=3
Example #5
source apps
| streamstats count by action reset_on_change=true reset_before=(computer == "vb.host2")"