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Performs a search on XML or JSON strings.


spath [input=<field>] [output=<field>] path=<datapath>

Required Arguments

input<field>Name of the field containing the XML/JSON string.
pathpath=<query>The search pattern for finding the value in XML/JSON.

Optional Arguments

output<field>The name of the field to store the retrieved value.

Query Examples

Example 1

In this example, the system will return the value of sourcetype in the field myVals.

... | spath input=raw_event output=myVals path=sourcetype

Example 2

In this example, the system will return the first item in the desc array in the desc field.

... | path input=hello path=vendorProductSet.product.desc{1}

Example 3

In this example, the system will return the @locale attribute of the first item in the desc array in the desc field.

... | path input=hello path=vendorProductSet.product.desc{1}.locDesc{@locale}