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Retrieves data from sources.


source <source-name> [source-options]

Required Arguments

source-name<string>For the OpenSearch source, simply specify the index pattern name. To fetch data from Hadoop or Clickhouse sources, use the prefix hdh: or clk: respectively. Optionally, specify the sample size (qsize) after the prefix and source name with :.


source sysmon_operational-*

source hdh:win_events

source clk:nix_events:1000

Multiple Sources Query

You can query multiple sources by listing them separated by commas. By default, the result is combined using the append command. To use internal storage mechanisms to combine results, see the append optional argument.


source cisco_asa-*, clk:nix_events:1000

Optional Arguments

  • source-options - optional parameters that provide additional search settings.
qsizeqsize=<int>1000000, for web interface queries 1000Maximum number of data points to fetch.
timefieldtimefield=<field>@timestampName of the field storing the timestamp.
appendappend = <bool>trueData combining mode for queries with multiple sources. If append = true, data is combined using the append command; if append = false, data is combined using internal storage mechanisms. Append Notes.
earliestearliest=<string>The start timestamp for the search.
latestlatest=<string>The end timestamp for the search.

For earliest and latest, the following time format is allowed: (+|-)<int>(s|m|h|d|w|month) | timestamp | unix-time:

  • s/sec/secs/second/seconds - seconds
  • m/min/mins/minute/minutes - minutes
  • h/hr/hrs/hour/hours - hours
  • d/day/days - days
  • w/week/weeks - weeks
  • mon/month/months - months
Local Search Parameters

Each source can use its own local search parameters that will override the global parameters. The source and its parameters should be enclosed in parentheses. See Example 4.

Append Notes

  • The append = false option is only possible when querying OpenSearch.
  • The append parameter must be global.
  • When append = false, only global search parameters are considered.

Query Examples

Example 1

source ldap_users-* timefield=event_time

Example 2

source hdh:nix_events, ldap_computers-* qsize=1000 earliest=-2d latest=1649344240

Example 3

In this example, data is combined using OpenSearch.

source sysmon_operational-*, zabbix-* qsize = 150 append = false

Example 4

In this example, when querying data from the server_warnings index, local parameters are used, so qsize and the time boundaries differ from the queries to winevent and zabbix. Since timefield is not specified in the local parameters, the global parameter value will be used for server_warnings.

source (server_warnings:10 earliest="now-10m" latest="now-5m"),
winevent, zabbix timefield=@timestamp earliest="now-1d" latest="now" qsize = 100