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Performs data search.


Using aggs in a query is only permitted when it follows commands that also operate with the internal storage mechanisms. These include source and peval. This condition must also be met for all subqueries in the query.


search <compare>

Required Arguments

compare<field> > | >= | == | < | <= | != <field> | <value>Conditional operation for data comparison

Search Modes

  • regex - search using regular expressions
  • wildcard - search using wildcard characters * and ?
  • cidr - search by subnet mask

Query Examples

Example #1
| search user="Ivanov" OR user="Mar*"
Example #2
| search count_result=5 AND nick="Iv*"
Example #3
| search regex place="(Ho|Mo)tel"
Example #4
| search wildcard name="An*li?"
Example #5
| search cidr host=""
Example #6
| search cidr host="2001::/4"