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Allows extracting values from a string using a regular expression.


... | rex field = <field> "(?<new_field><reg-expression>*)" [max_match=<int>]

Required Arguments

<field><field>Field in which to search using the regular expression.
<reg-expression><string>Regular expression used to extract a value.
<new_field><string>New field in the event that receives the value extracted by the regular expression.
Tags for new_field

The <new_field> parameter supports tags:

_KEY__KEY_<string>The tag indicates the creation of a new field with a name derived from the value extracted by the regular expression.
_VAL__VAL_<string>The tag indicates that the extracted value will be assigned to a field created by the _KEY_ tag.

Optional Arguments

max_matchmax_match=<int>1Maximum number of returned values.

Query Examples

Example 1

In this example, user has a value of ",", the ip field will get "", and the port field will get "5555".

| rex field = user "(?<ip>[0-9.]+):(?<port>[0-9]*)"

Example 2

In this example, memberOf has a value of "CN=John Smith, OU=Employees, DC=dc", the keysField field will get ["CN", "OU", "DC"], and the valuesField field will get ["John Smith", "Employees", "dc"].

| rex field = memberOf "(?<keysField>[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*)=(?<valuesField>[a-zA-Z_ ]*)" max_match=0

Example 3

In this example, memberOf has a value of "CN=John Smith, OU=Employees, DC=dc", the CN field will get "John Smith".

| rex field = memberOf "(?<_KEY_keyField>[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*)=(?<_VAL_valueField>([a-zA-Z_ ])*)" max_match=1