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Combines the results of a subsearch with those of the main search.


join [join-options...] [field-list] subsearch

Required Arguments

subsearch[ subsearch ]The subsearch query must be enclosed in square brackets and start with a source designation (source, script, makeresults, etc.).

Optional Arguments

field-listfield1 (field2 field3 ...)If no fields are specified, the system will automatically select the most suitable fields based on their names.A list of fields to join on for enriching (supplementing) the results.
join-optionstype=(inner|outer|left) | max=<int>Options specifying how the join is performed.

Join Options

typetype=(inner|outer|left)type describes how the results are merged together.
maxmax=<int>Defines the maximum number of records obtained from the join (matches found), to supplement each record of the main search.
Join Types

With inner, only those results for which a full match was found will be included in the output (e.g., the user field in the main search matched the user field in the join subsearch).

With left|outer, all results from the main search will be included, and those for which matches were found will be enriched with data from the join.

Query Examples

Example #1
source accessLogs qsize=10
| join type=left max=3 user message
[source radius_logs]
Example #2
source accessLogs
| join type=inner user message
[source radius_logs]
Example #3
source accessLogs
| join type=inner max=5 user message
[source radius_logs]