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Fills in null values for the specified fields.


fillnull [value="<string>"] `<field-list>`

Required Arguments

<field-list><field> [, <field>]List of fields to which the value is applied.

Optional Arguments

valuevalue=<string>The value applied to the specified fields.

Example Queries

Example 1

In this example, the nullField field has a null value. After the query, the field will have the value "—".

| fillnull nullField

Example 2

In this example, the nullField field has a null value. After the query, the field will have the value "notNull".

| fillnull value="notNull" nullField

Example 3

In this example, the fields nullFirst, nullSecond, nullThird have null values. After the query, the fields will have the value "notNull".

| fillnull value="notNull" nullFirst, nullSecond, nullThird