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Time Operations


Returns the current date and time in Unix Timestamp format.

In this example, the field res might have the value 1710752009.

Example #1
... | eval res=now()


Description: Takes a Unix timestamp and a relative offset parameter. Returns a new time in Unix Timestamp format.

Supported format: (+|-)<int>@(s|m|h|d|w|M)

  • s — seconds
  • m — minutes
  • h — hours
  • d — days
  • w — weeks
  • M — months

Default: seconds

In this example, res will have the value now() minus 1 day.

Example #1
... | eval res=relative_time(now(), -1@d)

In this example, res will have the value now() plus 3600 seconds.

Example #1
... | eval res=relative_time(now(), 3600)


Description: Takes a Unix timestamp and a format string to return the formatted date/time.


The function uses Joda Time format. Details in the documentation

In this example, res will have the value 2018-3-19T13:55:03.

Example #1
... | eval StartTimestamp=1521467703049000000, starttime=strftime(StartTimestamp/pow(10,9),"Y-M-d'T'H:mm:ss")


Description: Takes a date/time and a format string. Returns a UNIX timestamp.


The function uses Joda Time format. Details in the documentation

In this example, res will have the value 1589892240.

Example #1
... | eval starttime=strptime("2020-05-19 12:44","Y-M-d HH:mm")


Description: Returns the current date and time in Unix Timestamp format.


Example #1
... | eval res=time()