Math Operations
Description: Takes a parameter and returns its absolute value.
In the example, res
will have the value 12
, res1
will have the value 12
, res2
will have the value 12
, and res3
will have the value null
... | eval res=abs(-12), res1=abs(12), res2=abs("12"), res3=abs("text")
Description: Takes a parameter and returns the value rounded up.
In the example, res
will have the value 2
, res1
will have the value 3
, res2
will have the value 2
, res3
will have the value 2
, and res4
will have the value null
... | eval res=ceil(1.2), res1=ceil(2.2), res2=ceil(2), res3=ceil("2"), res4=ceil("text")
Description: Takes a parameter and returns a high-precision value.
In the example, res
will have the value 3.7699115
... | eval res=exact(1.2 * pi())
Description: Takes a parameter and returns the value of ( e ) raised to that power (with high precision).
In the example, res
will have the value 20.085536923187668
... | eval res=exp(3)
Description: Takes a parameter and returns the value rounded down.
In the example, res
will have the value 1
, and res1
will have the value 3
... | eval res=floor(1.9), res1=floor(pi())
Description: Takes a parameter and returns its natural logarithm (with high precision).
In the example, res
will have the value 1.0986122886681098
... | eval res=ln(3)
Description: Takes a parameter and a base, returning the logarithmic value (with high precision).
In the example, res
will have the value 1.5849625007211563
... | eval res=log(3,2)
Description: Returns the value of pi (with high precision).
In the example, res
will have the value 3.141592653589793
... | eval res=pi()
Description: Takes a parameter and an exponent, returning the raised value (with high precision).
In the example, res
will have the value 9.0
, and res1
will have the value 9.869604401089358
... | eval res=pow(3,2), res1=pow(pi(),2)
Description: Takes a parameter and a number of decimal places to round to, returning the rounded value. By default, rounds to the nearest whole number.
In the example, res
will have the value 4
, and res1
will have the value 2.56
... | eval res=round(3.5), res1=round(2.555, 2)
Description: Takes a parameter and rounds it to the specified number of significant digits.
In the example, res
will have the value 4
, and res1
will have the value 3
... | eval res=sigfig(3.5), res1=sigfig(2.555)
Description: Takes a parameter and returns its square root (with high precision).
In the example, res
will have the value 2.0
, and res1
will have the value 2.23606797749979
... | eval res=sqrt(4), res1=sqrt(5)