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Executes a query to a database.


db connection=<field> query=[<string> | <field>]

Required Arguments

connectionconnection=<field>Connection name.
queryquery=[<string> | <field>]SQL query.

If a data retrieval query is executed, the current data is replaced with new data. If a data processing query is executed, the resulting data contains the current data.

Time Stamps

A database query can include the {{_earliest}} or {{_latest}} placeholders, which will be replaced with the earliest or latest values from the source command.

Query Examples

Fetching data from a database configured with the connection name mysql:

Example #1
db connection=mysql query="SELECT * FROM user_info.user;"

Updating data in a database configured with the connection name mysql. The result retains the data from the source command:

Example #2
db connection=mysql query="INSERT INTO user_info.user (name, email) VALUES ('Ivan', '');"

Executing a command with a saved query. The query stored under the name mysql_query will be executed:

Example #3
db connection=mysql query=mysql_query

Example of a query to a database with time stamps:

Example #4
"SELECT * FROM user_info.user WHERE date_field >= {{_earliest}};"