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# Commands for searching in Clickhouse

To search the Clickhouse repository, use the commands source, search, aggs, timeaggs и peval.


For more information about source command see Clickhouse Search Basics

Command for searching data. For more information, see search.


Example 1

In this example, search for events for which the host.hostname field contains the value host1*.

source clk:sysmon
| search host.hostname = "host1*"
| table host.hostname

Search query result:


Example 2

Search for events where filtering is performed by the fields, host.ip, name`.

source clk:sysmon
| search = "host1*" and cidr host.ip = "" and name = "CPU utilization"
| talbe, host.ip, name

Search query result:

host12178.16.0.33CPU utilization
host133178.26.0.89CPU utilization


This command performs statistical operations on data using internal storage algorithms. For more information see aggs.

Differences between Clickhouse and OpenSearch search queries
  • Don't use .keyword to access text fields
  • No composite parameter
  • Features available last, first, range, stdev и list

List of available functions for the aggs command in Clickhouse:

countcount | count(<field>)Calculates the number of events that contain the field. If the field is not specified, calculates the total number of events.
valuesvalues(<field>)Calculates an array of unique values for the given field.
avgavg(<field>)Calculates the average value for the specified field.
dcdc(<field>)Calculates the number of unique values in the given field.
earliestearliest(<field>)Calculates the field value for the earliest event. The second (optional) parameter is the field name with a timestamp. Defaults to @timestamp.
firstfirst(<field>)Calculates the first value given the given field.
lastlast(<field>)Calculates the last value for the given field.
latestlatest(<field>)Calculates the field value for the most recent event. The second (optional) parameter is the field name with a timestamp. Defaults to @timestamp.
listlist(<field>)Calculates an array of all values for the given field.
maxmax(<field>)Calculates the maximum value for a given field.
minmin(<field>)Calculates the minimum value for a given field.
rangerange(<field>)Calculates the difference between the maximum and minimum values for a given field.
stdevstdev(<field>)Calculates the standard deviation for a given field.
sumsum(<field>)Calculates the sum of values for a given field.


Example 1

The example will calculate the number of events for each unique value in the event.code field:

source clk:sysmon
| aggs count by event.code

The result of the search query:


Example 2

The example will find the value of the last process_id and the number of unique process_id values for each unique pair of event.code and host.hostname:

source clk:sysmon
| aggs latest(process_id), dc(process_id) by event.code, host.hostname

The result of the search query:



Searches and generates an array of data distributed along a timeline using internal storage algorithms. For more information, see timeaggs.

Differences between Clickhouse and OpenSearch search queries
  • Don't use .keyword to access text fields
  • No composite parameter`
  • There are no milliseconds in the _time field
  • The right border of the time period is not included if there are no events in it


Example 1

The example will plot the number of events for each host.hostname value:

source clk:sysmon
| timeaggs count by host.hostname

Example 2

In the example, graphs will be plotted for the average and maximum load values for the CPU and free RAM:

source clk:zabbix
| timeaggs avg(value) as 'Average value', max(value) as 'Maximum value' by name


Performs various operations on data. Uses internal storage algorithms. For more information, see peval.

Differences between Clickhouse and OpenSearch search queries
  • An error will occur when accessing a non-existent field
  • The values true and false must be called as true() and false() respectively
  • To write null to a field, it must have the Nullable property

Differences between functions and eval


The mvdedup and exact functions are not available in Clickhouse.

Function nameFeatures in Clickhouse.
mvzipWorks only with arrays of the same length.
printfFormatting is not available.
coalesceOnly works for fields of the same type.
matchYou don't have to use a regular expression.
tonumberNot available for arrays.
tostringCan also be used for multivalue.
mvappendCannot be used for different data types.
strftimeThe time format is different (for example %Y-%m-%d %R:%S).
strptimeNo second argument needed.
md5Can only be used for String.
absOnly numbers can be used.
floorOnly numbers can be used.
ceilOnly numbers can be used.
logYou can only calculate logarithms in base 2 or 10.
tonumberConverts to float64.
typeofThe type names are different: instead of Boolean - Bool, Integer - UInt8, etc.
lenDoes not count the length of a number; to do this, you need to wrap the number in tostring().
ltrimTrims only regular spaces, no second argument needed.
replaceDoesn't work with regular expressions.
rtrimSimilar to ltrim.
substrFor a negative index, counts from 0 or includes the first boundary.
trimNo second argument needed.


Example 1

If the name field is equal to "CPU utilization", then the type field will be set to "CPU". Otherwise, the type field will be set to "MEM":

source clk:zabbix
| peval type = if (name == "CPU utilization", "CPU", "MEM")
| table name, type

The result of the search query:

CPU utilizationCPU
CPU utilizationCPU
Available memory in %MEM

Example 2

In the example, the type field will take a value similar to the first example, the value field will be rounded to an integer. After this, events will be filtered, in which the final selection will include events whose type field value is equal to CPU, and value is greater than 10:

source clk:zabbix
| peval type = if (name == "CPU utilization", "CPU", "MEM")
| peval value = round(value)
| search type = "CPU" and value > 10
| table name, type, value

The result of the search query:

CPU utilizationCPU12
CPU utilizationCPU17
CPU utilizationCPU36
CPU utilizationCPU13