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Boolean expressions

Search Anywhere Framework Languqage (SAFL) supports the boolean logical operators AND, OR and NOT.

ANDThe result of x AND y is true if both x and y evaluate to true.
ORThe result of x OR y is true if either x or y evaluates to true. Otherwise, the result is false.
NOTThe NOT operator computes logical negation of its operand. That is, it produces true, if the operand evaluates to false, and false, if the operand evaluates to true.

In SAFL searching using the AND and OR operators is usually more efficient than searching with Not. Because Not search looks at all events to further exclude them.

Execution order

In SAF, the order in which Boolean expressions are executed depends on whether the expression is used with a search command or a where command.

Order of execution of Boolean expressions:

Ordersearch commandwhere command
1Expressions in parentheses "()"Expressions in parentheses "()"
2operator NOToperator NOT
3operator ANDoperator OR
4operator ORoperator AND

Examples of Boolean expression execution

Operator order in search and where commands

For the search command without using parentheses, the order of processing logical expressions is:

source wineventlog-*
| search event.code="4768" AND event.outcome="success" OR event.action="logged-in"
| table event.code, event.outcome, event.action

Processing order (use the table above):

(3)event.code="4768" AND (3) event.outcome="success" OR (4) event.action="logged-in"

For the where command without using parentheses, the order of processing logical expressions is:

source wineventlog-*
| where event.code=="4768" AND event.outcome=="success" OR event.action=="logged-in"
| table event.code, event.outcome, event.action

Processing order (use the table above):

(4)event.code=="4768" AND (3) event.outcome=="success" OR (3) event.action=="logged-in"

Using the NOT operator and parenthetical expressions

In the example, we are looking for all events that:

  • hostname = "JM-PCA-008" and event code is not equal to "4625"
  • OR events code = "4624"
source wineventlog-*
| search"JM-PCA-008" AND NOT event.code="4625" OR event.code="4624"
| table event.code, event.action, event.outcome,