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Key Entities

All assets in the database are stored as lists. Each asset list is configured separately through the asset configuration. The asset configuration specifies where to store the assets, what information to collect about the asset and from which sources, how to combine information from multiple sources, and how to identify the asset. A change history is maintained for each asset. Assets can be linked to each other.


An asset represents an object in the asset database that belongs to one of the asset lists. Each asset is identified by base fields, similar to a primary key in a database table. In addition to the base fields, there are also additional fields that are not involved in asset identification.

Asset Configuration

An asset configuration is a set of settings that define the parameters for populating a single asset list. These settings include descriptions of asset fields, sources, links between sources, and other settings that control the process of populating and updating the asset list.


A field is a structured unit of data representing a specific attribute or characteristic of an asset.


A source represents a repository of events based on which assets are created.


A linking key is a set of fields that combines events from different sources into an intermediate asset.

Intermediate Asset

During the linking process, intermediate assets are formed after applying a single linking key and represent an intermediate result of event aggregation into an asset.