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Working with the Asset Database

Asset List

To navigate to the asset list page, select Assets in the navigation menu under the Inventory section. Then, select the desired configuration in the table and click on its name.

Asset List Page

The asset list page is a table. The table can be sorted by columns and filtered using the Search input field. Filtering is also possible by basic and additional fields, as well as existing relationships. You can create an object manually using the Create manual object button. If necessary, you can customize the displayed fields in the asset table using the dropdown list.

Asset Card

To open an asset card, select the desired row in the table and click on the asset name.

Asset Parameters

The asset card contains all the generated information from the sources:

  • Basic and additional fields — information generated based on the previously created configuration.
  • Binded objects — a list of assets linked to this asset; this panel is displayed if object linking was configured in the Binding section.
  • Sources — panels containing information about the sources that participated in the formation of this asset.

The following additional functions are available when viewing:

  • Show history — a table reflecting all changes to the asset made by the user.
  • Merge Objects — a menu responsible for linking inventory objects.

The user can modify the Additional Fields of the asset by clicking on the corresponding link. If the asset was created manually (indicated by the Custom Object icon), the asset can be fully customized, except for creating additional fields.

Asset History

The asset history is a table listing all its changes. The table shows:

  • Timestamp
  • Field
  • Category Field
  • Previous Value
  • Current Value

To view the asset history, click the Show history button.

Inventory Asset Change History

Asset Binds

If you need to link an asset to another asset (or several), click the Merge Objects button, which will display the object linking menu. The menu consists of the following items:

  • Inventory Name — the name of the entity where the desired asset is located (the entity name is defined by the configuration).
  • Merging object — a list of assets in this entity.
  • Summary — a checklist to verify that the correct assets are being linked.

Use the Add merge button to add assets to the linking list. The Remove merge button performs the reverse operation, removing an asset from the list. To save the changes, click the Save button. If you need to clear the list completely, click Delete merging objects.

Inventory Asset Linking

Creating an Asset Manually

Main Asset Fields

Creating objects manually allows you to supplement an already formed asset database or start creating your own.

To do this, navigate to the database where the object will be created, and then click the Create manual object button. This will display the manual object creation menu.

Manual Asset Creation

The form consists of the following components:

  • Base Fields — fill in the values for the basic fields; the composition of the basic fields is determined by the asset configuration.
  • Additional Fields — fill in the values for the additional fields; the composition is determined similarly to the basic fields, and you can also add your own fields using the Add Field button.

After all fields are filled, click the Next step button below.

Confirmation and Saving

The second form displays control information before saving the manual object. The form consists of the following:

  • Base Fields
  • Additional Fields
  • Category — the category in which the object will be saved.
  • Inventory name — the name of the configuration where the object will be saved.
  • Index name — the name of the index where the object will be saved.

The Category, Inventory name, and Index name parameters are filled in automatically. The values depend on which asset database the manual object is being created from.

After verifying the information, click the Save button.

If necessary, you can return to the list by clicking the Return to Search button.

Modifying Asset Parameters

Modifying fields is done as follows:

  1. If the object was created manually, the user can modify the values of the base fields.
  2. For additional fields taken from the configuration, only the values can be edited.
  3. If custom additional fields are added, both the key and its value can be edited.

You cannot add your own parameters to the asset; they are determined only by the previously created configuration.

To save the changes, click the Save button. To revert the asset fields to their original state, click Restore to default. If the manual object card is displayed and you want to delete it, click Delete Object.

Modifying Additional Asset Fields