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Searching for Incidents

The Incident Manager features search and filtering functionality that allows you to quickly find the incidents you need. The search tools are located at the top of the module's interface.

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The Search field allows you to search for incidents by their name, description, or other attributes. To use the search function:

  1. Enter your search query in the Search field.
  2. Press "Enter".

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In addition to searching, you can apply filters. The Incident Manager offers the following filters:

  • Time Filter - A dropdown list that allows you to filter incidents by the date and time of their occurrence.
  • Criticality - A dropdown list that allows you to filter incidents by their importance level (e.g., Alarm, Normal).
  • Workflow - A dropdown list that allows you to filter incidents by a specific processing scenario or lifecycle stage.
  • Status - A dropdown list that allows you to filter incidents by their current status (e.g., New, In Progress, Closed).
  • Responsible - A dropdown list that allows you to filter incidents by the assigned responsible person.
  • Tags - A dropdown list that allows you to filter incidents by assigned tags.

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At the top, there is a toggle switch responsible for displaying rows with filters for additional fields in the incident card. These are configured in the module settings.

Display Settings

The Incident Manager also offers the ability to customize the display of the incident list. At the top of the interface, there are two toggle switches:

  • Show Tags - Allows you to display or hide incident tags.
  • Group Incidents - Allows you to group incidents or display them individually.

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