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Configuring the Workflow

General Description

The Incident Manager provides the ability to configure workflows, which is particularly useful in cases where responding to an incident requires a more complex approach. In such situations, standard procedures may not be sufficient for effectively resolving the issue.

A customizable workflow allows for considering the specific features of each incident, ensuring more accurate and timely responses.

To access the workflow settings, go to Module Settings - Incident Manager - Workflow.

The interface displays a list of configured workflows. By default, there is a pre-installed workflow called Default workflow.

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Creating a Workflow

To create a workflow:

  1. Click the Create button in the top right corner of the interface to launch the workflow configuration wizard.
  2. On the first step, enter the Name and Description of the workflow: alt text
  3. On the second step, configure the list of incident statuses.

Each status has:

  • Name - a short name for the status
  • System Name - the identifier for the status
  • Color - the color of the status label

Additionally, an initializing status New is set by default.

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  1. On the third step, configure the transition rules from one status to another in the visual editor.

A transition is created by dragging a line from the black dot of the source status to the white dot of the target status.

Each transition can be further configured by right-clicking on the transition line. This will open the transition settings window.

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In the settings window, you can configure:

  • Transition Name - the name of the transition in the visual editor
  • Primary Actions - actions that will be executed before changing the incident status
  • Other Actions - actions that will be executed after changing the incident status
  • Group Incidents - if checked, Other Actions will apply to the entire group of incidents; otherwise, they will apply to each incident individually
  • Roles - roles that have permission to change the status via this transition

Clicking the Save button will apply the changes to the transition settings.

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  1. Click the Create Process button.

Editing a Workflow

To make changes to an existing workflow:

  1. In the list of workflows, click on the Name in the first column.

The editor is the same configuration wizard used when creating a workflow.

  1. Make the necessary changes to the workflow following the wizard's instructions.
  2. Save the workflow by clicking the Save Process button.
Useful Information

Any workflow can be set as the default process, allowing it to be applied to incidents that have not been assigned another process. To do this, in the list of workflows, click the Set as Default button.

Deleting a Workflow

To delete a workflow, click the Delete button next to the workflow you want to remove in the list.