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Sign In to the System

Getting Started

To get started with Search Anywhere Framework, follow these steps:

  1. Launch your browser: Open any compatible browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, or another Chromium-based browser.

    For Search Anywhere Framework, the minimum supported browser versions are listed in the table below:

  2. Enter the address: In the browser's address bar, enter the address in the format https://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:5601, where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the IP address of the server where Search Anywhere Framework is installed.


    Instead of the server's IP address, you can use its domain name.

  3. Sign in: After the Search Anywhere Framework page loads, you will see the sign-in screen. Enter your credentials and click the Sign In button.


    Software operation is exclusively through the browser. Ensure that your browser is supported to ensure the best compatibility and performance.

Upon successful sign-in, you will be redirected to the Search Anywhere Framework interface, ready for use.


The Overview is the starting page of Search Anywhere Framework. Search Anywhere Framework is an interactive data and module portal accessible to users. The main components of the home page are the side panel displaying all available modules, the Overview panel, and the top panel for quick access to available modules.

Top Panel

On the top panel, on the left side, you can see the following elements:

  • The "Hamburger" menu button that opens the side panel with the navigation menu when clicked
  • Logo
  • Breadcrumbs, which are a navigation element showing the path from the home page to the current user location

On the right side, the following elements are displayed:

  • The Upload Data button, allowing the user to upload their own dataset
  • Search button
  • Active Tasks button for quick access to the list of active tasks
  • Button to access the Search Anywhere Framework documentation portal
  • User and session control element

User Control Panel

This panel contains controls for the following platform functionality:

  • Role management tools. Roles are used to differentiate access levels for different users to Search Anywhere Framework modules or components
  • Personalization panel, providing a choice between light and dark themes
  • Password reset tool
  • Button to access the SM Data Storage interface
  • Logout button to sign out of the account

Side Panel

Upon opening Search Anywhere Framework, you will find the side panel, which represents the main Navigation Menu. To control the hiding/displaying of this area, the "Hamburger" menu button from the top panel is used. Here, menu items of used modules and system components are displayed. Among them, you will see Main. This list contains the main components of the Core module - Search and Dashboards. This is the basic functionality of the Search Anywhere Framework core.

Basic Components - Search in Search Anywhere Framework

Search in Search Anywhere Framework is one of the key elements of this system, providing users with the ability to analyze and explore data. Below is an overview of the main components and their application in the web interface.

Upon entering the search, you will see the following interface:

The following control elements are presented on this panel:

  • Search Panel
  • Search Results
  • Query History
  • Time Distribution Chart of queries (Appears after executing a query)
  • Details for each detected event
  • Save and Export Results
  • Time Filter

Search Panel

The Search Panel is the main tool for formulating queries and searching for data in Search Anywhere Framework. Here, users can use various filters, conditions, and keywords to create search queries.

Search Results

After executing a search query, the results are displayed in tables or charts. This allows users to quickly visualize data and explore its characteristics.

Save and Export Results

Users can save search results for later use or export them to various formats such as CSV or JSON. This facilitates data exchange and report creation.

Time Filter

The Time Filter is a tool that allows Search Anywhere Framework users to restrict the time range of data they analyze or visualize.

It is crucial to use the time filter correctly to obtain relevant search results, so we recommend familiarizing yourself with the various ways to use it in the article Working with the Time Filter.


To check whether Search Anywhere Framework has a valid license, you should go to the Overview section, where information about the active license will be displayed.

License Overview

If the license for Search Anywhere Framework has expired, a message will appear in the active window indicating that the license is not installed. In the Overview section, a message will appear indicating that the license is not installed.


When the license expires, it will become impossible to use the Search Anywhere Framework modules. To restore functionality, you will need to contact your provider to renew the license and perform the necessary actions to install a new license.


When the license expires, be careful when rebooting SM Data Storage. Under these conditions, the system will become inoperative.

If SM Data Storage remains enabled, data collection and indexing will continue to work. However, searching will not be possible, and tasks will not be executed.

Upon rebooting SM Data Storage, restarting will be impossible.