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Getting Started

Using the Documentation

This documentation is intended to provide users with all the necessary information about the Search Anywhere Framework. Its goal is to assist users in familiarizing themselves with the system's functionality, configuration, data handling, and usage of available modules.

For convenience, each section is equipped with a navigation panel, which will help you quickly navigate between different topics. Use the search function for quick access to the required information.

The guide provides a general overview of the Search Anywhere Framework, as well as sections on interacting with its elements. For more detailed information on each platform feature, it is recommended to refer directly to the corresponding documentation section.

Basics of Using Search Anywhere Framework

The Getting Started section consists of a block of articles covering various aspects of working with the Search Anywhere Framework, including the following guides:

  1. Installing Search Anywhere Framework: Here you will find recommendations for installing Search Anywhere Framework on your hardware, as well as a guide for initial system setup.

  2. Uploading Data to the System: This section will help you familiarize yourself with methods for importing data into the Search Anywhere Framework and further working with it.

  3. Search Queries: This section provides information on how to use search queries in the Search Anywhere Framework to extract the necessary information from the data. Learn how to formulate and optimize queries to obtain the most useful results.

  4. Job Scheduler: This section provides a guide on using the Job Scheduler component in the Search Anywhere Framework. This section will help you learn how to create, configure, and manage tasks that automate various processes.