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Updating SAF Beat Manager and SAF Beat


SAF Beat Manager must be updated first. After that, you can proceed to update SAF Beat agents. SAF Beat Manager maintains backward compatibility with previous agent versions.


  • SAF_INSTALLER - the directory where the Search Anywhere Framework installation package is unpacked.
  • SBM_HOME - the installation directory of SAF Beat Manager.
  • SB_HOME - the installation directory of SAF Beat.

Updating SAF Beat Manager

Updating SAF Beat Manager and its configurations is only available manually.

  1. Back up the certificates and configuration of the current installation, for example, to the /app/backup directory:
mkdir -p /app/backup/$(date +%Y%m%d)/sbm/
cp -r $SBM_HOME/etc/ssl /app/backup/$(date +%Y%m%d)/sbm/
cp $SBM_HOME/etc/*.yml /app/backup/$(date +%Y%m%d)/sbm/
  1. Stop the service and remove the existing version of SAF Beat Manager:
systemctl stop SAFBeatManager
rm -f $SBM_HOME/SAFBeatManager*
  1. After unpacking the Search Anywhere Framework installer, copy the installation file, make it executable, and remove the old configuration file:
cp $SAF_INSTALLER/utils/SAFBeatManager/SAFBeatManager-* $SBM_HOME/SAFBeatManager
chmod +x $SBM_HOME/SAFBeatManager
rm $SBM_HOME/etc/SAFBeatManager.yml
rm $SBM_HOME/etc/config.yml
  1. Install SAF Beat Manager, restart the service, and then immediately stop it:
$SBM_HOME/SAFBeatManager remove
$SBM_HOME/SAFBeatManager install
systemctl restart SAFBeatManager
systemctl stop SAFBeatManager

Starting from version 4.2.0, the configuration file name has changed from SAFBeatManager.yml to config.yml. If config.yml exists, it will be used. If it doesn't exist, SAFBeatManager.yml might be used. The configuration syntax has changed; it is recommended to transfer the settings to the new configuration file.

  1. Compare the old configuration file SAFBeatManager.yml and the new config.yml:
diff /app/backup/$(date +%Y%m%d)/sbm/SAFBeatManager.yml $SBM_HOME/etc/config.yml
  1. Transfer the necessary settings from the old file to the new one and restart the service:
systemctl restart SAFBeatManager

Updating SAF Beat for Linux

  1. Back up the certificates and configuration of the current installation, for example, to the /app/backup directory:
mkdir -p /app/backup/$(date +%Y%m%d)/sb/
cp -r $SB_HOME/cert /app/backup/$(date +%Y%m%d)/sb/
cp $SB_HOME/config/*.yaml /app/backup/$(date +%Y%m%d)/sb/
  1. Stop the service and remove the existing version of SAF Beat:
systemctl stop SAFBeat
rm -f $SB_HOME/SAFBeat*
  1. After unpacking the Search Anywhere Framework installer, copy the installation file, make it executable, and remove the old configuration file:
cp $SAF_INSTALLER/utils/SAFBeat/SAFBeat-linux-x64-* $SB_HOME/SAFBeat
chmod +x $SB_HOME/SAFBeat
rm $SB_HOME/config/config.yaml
  1. Install SAF Beat, restart the service, and then immediately stop it:
$SB_HOME/SAFBeat remove
$SB_HOME/SAFBeat install
systemctl restart SAFBeat
systemctl stop SAFBeat
  1. Compare the old configuration file config.yaml and the new one:
diff /app/backup/$(date +%Y%m%d)/sb/config.yaml $SB_HOME/config/config.yaml
  1. Transfer the necessary settings from the old file to the new one and restart the service:
systemctl restart SAFBeat

Updating SAF Beat for Windows


To update the agent on Windows, you must first uninstall it. However, uninstalling will affect the entire installation directory, so back up all necessary files beforehand. When installing from the command line or PowerShell, the installation command with the list of parameters can be left unchanged.

  1. Back up the certificates (usually C:\Program Files\SAFBeat\cert\) and the configuration of the current installation (usually C:\Program Files\SAFBeat\config\config.yaml).

  2. Uninstall the old agent through "Add/Remove Programs" in Windows Control Panel.

  3. Install SAF Beat. Pay attention to the SSL/TLS settings window; you can specify the certificates copied before the update. If you check the Generate self-signed certificate box, new self-signed certificates will be generated (if none exist). SAF Beat Windows Installation, SSL