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Single Value



Single Value is a type of data visualization that focuses on displaying and emphasizing a single numeric value or metric. This approach to data visualization is particularly effective in situations where a specific metric needs to be presented quickly and clearly. Using a metric allows you to focus on one key indicator, minimizing noise and allowing users to quickly understand key trends or achievements.

One of the benefits of using a metric is its simplicity and clarity. Visualizing a single numeric value is usually done with a simple representation of the number and additional displays such as, a graph of the change in value, a trend, and a trend graph.



In the General tab, you can set the following parameters:

Metric LabelAn optional field that is responsible for the name of the metric - the text that is displayed below the valuelabel
Field for valueMandatory field that is responsible for the displayed metric value (column from the query results)fieldForValue
Field for trendOptional field responsible for displaying the trend of metric changefieldForTrend

Search Anywhere Framework general settings window:

In the visualization, these parameters are applied as follows:


In the Show tab, you can set the following parameters:

Show LabelCheckbox that is responsible for displaying the name of the metricshow.label
Show Trend SparklineCheckbox that is responsible for displaying the trend of the metric changeshow.arrow
Show Trend IndicatorCheckbox that is responsible for displaying the trend indicatorshow.sparkline
Show Thousand SeparatorsCheckbox that is responsible for displaying the thousandths separatorshow.delimiters
DelimiterThousandths separator selectionshow.delimiter

Search Anywhere Framework show settings window:


In the Color tab, you can set the following parameters:

Color by range/Color by valueA switch that is responsible for coloring the metric by value or by range.color.isRange
Color in text/Color on backgroundA switch that adjusts the coloring of the visualization - color either text or background.color.invert
ColorsThe set of colors to be used in the visualization. The Color by range/Color by value parameter affects its function.color.color[]

Search Anywhere Framework color settings window:

Single Value creation

To create this type of visualization, it is worth using a query that returns an aggregation. It can be the number of some values, sum, number of unique values, and so on. SAF provides several aggregation commands. For the Single Value type, stats, timechart, aggs, timeaggs is considered.

The following is an example of a query with this command:

source windows_events
| aggs count(event.action)

If you go to the Visualization tab. By default (if the query does not use timeaggs and timechart) you will see the Tabular view of the visualization:

In the first dropdown list, you must select Single Value. After changing the parameter, an empty rectangle will be displayed, because no parameters are set. Below you need to specify the mandatory parameter Field for value, from the dropdown list you select the field, for example: count(event.action). The result will be as follows:

Now you can add this visualization to a dashboard by creating it or selecting an existing one. To do this, click the Add to dashboard button.