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Radar Chart


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A Radar Chart is a two-dimensional chart type that displays one or more groups of values on radial axes. Multiple variables are used to compare these values. Radar Charts are often used to compare several items across multiple criteria simultaneously.

Radar Chart Settings


The General tab allows you to configure the following parameters:

ParameterDescriptionJSON Field
Category FieldText field to specify the name of the field for the categorygeneral.categoryFieldName
Line FieldText field to specify the name of the field for the line datageneral.valueLineSeriesFieldName
Column FieldText field to specify the name of the field for the segment datageneral.valueColumnSeriesFieldName
CursorToggle switch to enable/disable the cursor display.general.cursor
LegendToggle switch to enable/disable the legend display.general.legend
Truncate TextToggle switch to enable/disable text truncation.general.truncateText

These parameters appear as follows in the SAF interface:


The Lines tab allows you to configure the following parameters:

ParameterDescriptionJSON Field
Stroke WidthNumber input field to specify the line thicknessline.strokeWidth
Stroke ColorColor selector to choose the line colorline.strokeColor
TooltipToggle switch to enable/disable the tooltip display when hovering over the lineline.tooltip
DrilldownToggle switch to enable/disable Drilldownline.lineDrilldown
Drilldown LinkText field to specify the Drilldown linkline.lineDrilldownText

These parameters appear as follows in the SAF interface:


The Segments tab allows you to configure the following parameters:

ParameterDescriptionJSON Field
FillColor selector to choose the fill color of the segmentscolumn.fill
Fill OpacityNumber input field to specify the opacity of the segmentscolumn.fillOpacity
TooltipToggle switch to enable/disable the tooltip display when hovering over the segmentscolumn.tooltip

These parameters appear as follows in the SAF interface:


The Grid tab allows you to configure the following parameters:

ParameterDescriptionJSON Field
Is Custom?Toggle switch to enable/disable custom minimum and maximum settings for the gridgrid.isCustom
MinNumber input field to specify the minimum value for the gridgrid.min
MaxNumber input field to specify the maximum value for the gridgrid.max

These parameters appear as follows in the SAF interface:

Creating a Radar Chart

Creating a Radar Chart requires categories and two numerical value sets for the categories.

For example, the query:

source saf_cs_web_indexes
| stats count as count_by_ip by source.ip
| sort -count_by_ip
| eventstats sum(count_by_ip) as total_count
| head 10
| eval percent = round((count_by_ip / total_count * 100), 2)
| table source.ip, count_by_ip, percent
| rename source.ip as ip_источника, count_by_ip as "Number of requests from source", percent as "Percentage of total number of requests"

will return the following result:

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After that, by switching to the Visualization tab, you can select the Radar visualization type and add it to the desired dashboard by clicking the Add to Dashboard button.

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