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General recommendations

Index Settings

Creating index settings templates allows you to automatically apply predefined mappings and settings to all new indexes corresponding to a specific mask. This simplifies index management by eliminating the need for the user to manually configure each new index.

The index mapping setting determines the structure and types of fields that will be stored in the index, which directly affects the performance and efficiency of the search. It is recommended to set mapping in advance to minimize the number of changes in the future, since changing the mapping of existing fields requires creating a new index. For text fields, use the keyword type when an accurate search is needed, text for full-text search, and text-keyword when support for both types of operations is needed. This configuration will allow you to achieve a balance between performance and functionality.

Index Lifecycle Management

When connecting a new data source, it is recommended to set up an ISM policy for it, including rotation and deletion of old data. This will avoid situations of storage overflow and ensure a stable load on the system by maintaining index sizes within the recommended limits. You can study the details of configuring ISM policies in the article [Index management].


Regular expressions

Minimizing the number of regular expressions

Try to use as few regular expressions as possible. Each regular expression slows down data processing. Instead of multiple regular expressions, it is better to use one, but well optimized one.

Using anchors

Use anchors such as ^ and $ to indicate the beginning and end of a line. This helps to significantly reduce the matching execution time.

Avoiding "greedy" quantifiers

Quantifiers such as .* can lead to excessive consumption of resources. It is recommended to use limited quantifiers, for example, .{1,10}, or the non-greedy quantifier .*? where possible.