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Job Scheduler


The Job Scheduler component includes functionality for working with search tasks. A search task is a query that is executed on a specified schedule, and the results obtained are processed by various active actions. An active action is a specific processing of the results of a search query, such as creating an incident, sending an email notification, and other actions.

In the main section of the component, there is a list of all tasks:

Example of a scheduled search task:

Tasks can be created manually by the user or provided as part of some module as accompanying content.

A colored indicator shows the task status:

  • Inactive tasks: 🔴 Red
  • Active tasks: 🟢 Green

Various active actions are possible based on the results of executing a scheduled task, such as sending results via email, creating incidents, aggregating results into an index, and more.

The complete list of possible actions includes:

  • Email Action
  • Index Aggregation
  • Index Events
  • Incident Action
  • JDBC
  • Log Event
  • Risk Scoring
  • Run Job Action
  • Script
  • Webhook

For more details on creating and configuring scheduled tasks, refer to the article Job Scheduler.