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Search Anywhere Framework

The Search Anywhere Framework is a versatile solution designed for collecting and analyzing machine data. It effectively addresses various tasks in the fields of cybersecurity, IT infrastructure monitoring, and business process analysis.

The Search Anywhere Framework ensures high extraction of valuable information from data and transforms it from log format into understandable language for business, IT, and cybersecurity. Its functionality allows companies not only to effectively control their operations but also to make informed decisions based on reliable data analysis.

Purposes of Using the Search Anywhere Framework


Incident management, SOC building using a SIEM tailored specifically for you, fraud detection, UBA, automated compliance assessment with security and corporate requirements.

IT Infrastructure Monitoring

Asset inventory, IT health diagnostics and assessment, identification of causes of IT incidents and bottlenecks, monitoring of virtual, network, server infrastructure, and containerization environments.

Business Process Monitoring

Assessment of compliance of business processes with specified SLA/KPI, detection of anomalies in processes and services, user action profiling within business processes, labor discipline, scoring.

Description of the Search Anywhere Framework

The platform provides core functionality as well as a set of modules, each of which can help solve specific practical tasks.

The core functionality of the Search Anywhere Framework full lifecycle machine data management platform includes the following main stages: collection - storage - analysis - visualization - reaction.

The set of modules allows solving various practical tasks, such as operational efficiency analysis of employees, IT infrastructure monitoring, SIEM, business process analysis, containerization environment monitoring, and many others.

Basics of Working in Search Anywhere Framework

An important feature of the Search Anywhere Framework is the accessibility of its core functions even for users without specialized technical knowledge. An intuitive interface makes it possible to upload data, perform searches, and create simple dashboards in a very short time.

This enables users to quickly learn the basic functions of Search Anywhere Framework without the need for specialized training. Thus, even novices in data analysis can start working with Search Anywhere Framework and use its capabilities to make informed decisions in the shortest possible time.

Data Upload

The Search Anywhere Framework provides a simple and intuitive interface for data upload. Simply follow the prompts to upload files or connect to data sources such as databases or server logs.

For more information on the data import algorithm into the system, refer to the Uploading Data into the System section.

Data Search and Analysis

After uploading data, you can use the platform's functionality to search for and analyze it. Search tools allow you to quickly find the data you need, while analytical functions help conduct various types of analysis, such as statistical calculations, anomaly detection, etc.

For more information on search functionality, see the Working with Search section.

Visualization of Results

To better understand the data, you can visualize the results of your analysis using various Search Anywhere Framework tools. Create graphs, charts, and other visual elements to present your findings visually.

For more information on visualization capabilities, see the Working with Dashboards section.

Additional Materials

For more information on available materials and the technical support provision regimen, refer to the Search Anywhere Framework Materials section.